Payroll - Labor Distribution Code Maintenance


This task is used to set up and maintain departmental labor distribution information. During the conversion process, month-to-date and quarterly labor expense to date, as applicable, may be entered directly. Once the Payroll module is operational, month-to-date, quarterly, year-to-date and “next month” labor expense is automatically maintained as each Payroll update is performed.


=> To access this task...

Select Labor Distribution from the Inquiry and Maintenance menu.

Labor Distribution

About the Fields

For each department defined for the Payroll module, employees in the department are set up by employee number, title code and pay code. The module uses this information to print the periodic Payroll Distribution History Report, which itemizes labor expense by department for departmental budgeting purposes.

To Enable Edits to the form select .

In the Calendar Year field...

  • Enter the Calendar Tax Year that this Contribution Code Applies to.

  • Click to select from a list of all valid department codes.

  • Click the record navigating buttons; to view the first record, to view the previous record, to view the next record, and to view the last record.

In the Department Code field...

  • Enter a valid department ID code to associate with the employee.

  • Click to select from a list of valid codes.

In the Title Code field...

  • Enter a valid title ID code to associate with the employee in this department.

  • Click to select from a list of valid codes.

In the Employee Number field...

  • Enter a valid employee number. The employee name is displayed.

  • Click to select from a list of valid codes.

In the Pay Code field...

  • Enter a valid pay code for this employee.

  • Click to select from a list of valid codes.

In the Dollars fields...

Refer to information following the Units fields.

  • Enter the labor expense dollars.

In the Units fields...

  • Enter the time units.

When installing the payroll system in any month after January, enter the labor expense dollars and the optional hours or other time increment accumulated thus far for this employee and department for the following periods. The Year-To-Date figure is calculated from the Quarter-To-Date figures, consequently no entry is required. The figure for Next Month is listed following the 4th Quarter. The Month to Date and Next Month are only applicable to the current Calendar Year.

When finished entering Labor Distribution Information...

  • Click to save the record.

  • Click to clear the form and begin again.

  • Click to delete the record selected.

If the Window is closed without saving the record, the module issues this confirmation prompt:


  • Click [Yes] to save the changes.

  • Click [No] to return to the Payroll Maintenance Menu without saving the record.

  • Click [Cancel] to return to the Labor Distribution Information being edited.


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