Shop Floor Control - Time Sheet Register



The Time Sheet Register allows verification of time sheet data entry that has taken place since the last Time Sheet Register update, and can serve as an audit report.


=>To access this menu...

Select Time Sheet Register from the Transaction Processing menu.


Time Sheet Register


Sample Time Sheet Register


See Output Options.


Closing the Time Sheet Register output preview creates a Work Order Summary Report preview.

Sample Work Order Summary Report


See Output Options.


Closing the Work Order Summary Report output preview creates a GL Summary - Work Order Labor preview.

 Sample GL Summary Work Order Labor Report


See Output Options.



Closing the GL Summary Work Order Labor Report output preview moves the process along to the register update step and issues the following prompt:



When the Time Sheet Register is updated, the Direct Rate and Overhead Rate expense accounts for the appropriate work order type are credited with the labor cost, and the Work in Process account is debited. (‘WL’ journal entries are used.) Transactions are created for each entry reflecting which employee has worked on the work order.


  • Select the [Yes] button to run the register update.

  • Select the [No] button to return to the Shop Floor Transaction Processing menu.

The update process occurs automatically. If the Payroll Input field of the Parameter Maintenance task is checked.


The system issues another prompt:



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