Shop Floor Control - Pick List Printing



Pick lists are used by warehouse personnel to collect and record material being removed from stock and issued to a work order . As the stock is picked for a work order, warehouse personnel record the number of units removed from stock. The completed pick lists are then used as source documents for Work Order Issues. Pick lists are created in the Release Work Order task portion of Work Order Entry when the checkbox for Print Pick List is checked.


=>To access this task...

Select Pick List Printing from the Shop Floor Control main menu.

Pick List Printing


About the Fields


From the Report Sequence dropdown...

  • Location (L) to create a pick list with a location sequence.

  • Material (M) to create a pick list with a material sequence.

When finished making entries to the fields…

  • Click Run Process button to run the process.

  • Click Clear Form button to clear entries.

The resulting pick list is organized by bill number and sorted by operations steps either by location or material depending on the selections made in the report sequence step. The Work Order Pick List reports Committed and Available quantities that exclude the Required quantity that is to be picked for a component. This provides an easy evaluation of the quantities available to fill the immediate requirements. This means that the Available and Committed quantities displayed on the Pick List will not match those displayed on the Warehouse Master form and this is easily reconciled:

  • The committed quantity (the Com'd column) represents the Warehouse Master's Total Committed minus the component's required quantity (the Req'd column).

  • The available quantity (the Avail column) represents the Warehouse Master's Available plus the component's required quantity (the Req'd column).

Sample Pick List


See Output Options.



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