Shop Floor Control - Calendar Print



Use this task to print a copy of any shop floor calendar.


=>To access this menu...

      Select Calendar Print from the Inquiry and Maintenance menu.


Calendar Print


About the Fields


In the Operation Code field...

  • Enter a valid operation code.

  • Select the Find field records button Find Field Records button to select from a list of valid operation codes.

In the First Day currently scheduled field...

Display only. Shows the first date of the currently selected operation code’s scheduled calendar when you select a single operation code. This field will be blank if you selected all operation codes.

In the Last Day currently scheduled field...

Display only. Shows the last date of the currently selected operation code’s scheduled calendar when you select a single operation code. This field will be blank if you selected all operation codes.


In the From Month field...

  • Enter the first month of the calendar to print.

In the From Year field...

     Enter the year of the From Month for the calendar to print.


In the Through Month field...

  • Enter the last month of the calendar to print.

In the Through Year field...

  • Enter the year of the Through Month for the calendar to print.

When finished making entries to the fields…

  • Select  Run Process button to print the calendar.

  • Select  Save button to save the vales selected.

  • Select  Clear Form button to clear the form and begin again.

Sample Calendar Print


See Output Options.


Printing Calendars

The calendars will print in several different ways according to the selections made in the fields and whether one or all operation codes were selected:


When a specific operation code is selected:


      If a specific From MM/YY... was selected, that month will be printed whether it has been created or not.


            And then a specific Through MM/YY... was selected , the entire range of months will be printed whether all months have been created or not.


            And then Through Last... was selected, if the last month created for the specified operation code is less than the From MM/YY specified, only the From MM/YY will print, otherwise, all months from the From MM/YY through the last month created for the specified operation code will print.


      If From First... was selected, the first month for the specified operation code will print.


            And then a specific Through MM/YY... was selected, if the specified Through MM/YY is less than the first month created for the specified Op Code, only the first month will print, otherwise, all months from the first through the specified MM/YY will print, whether they have been created or not.


            And then Through Last... was selected, all months from the first month created through the last month created for the specified Op Code will print, including any unscheduled months between the two.


When all operation codes are selected:

Only operation codes that have had any month scheduled will be included in the following.

If a specific From MM/YY... was selected, that month will be printed for each operation code whether that month has been created or not.


            And then a specific Through MM/YY... was selected, the entire range of months will be printed for each operation code whether all months have been created for that operation code or not.


            And then Through Last... was selected, if the last month created for the operation code is less than the From MM/YY specified, only the From MM/YY will print, otherwise, all months from the From MM/YY through the last month created for each operation code will print.


If From First...was selected, the first month for each operation code will print.


            And then a specific Through MM/YY... was selected, if the specified Through MM/YY is less than the first month created for the operation code, only the first month will print, otherwise, all months from the first through the specified MM/YY will print, whether they have been created or not.


            And then Through Last...was selected, all months from the first month created through the last month created will print for each operation code, including any unscheduled months between the two.


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