Sales Analysis - By Product/Item/Customer



This task enables an inquiry into sales history of units, sales, and costs for a combination of product, item, and customer. Movement of product and items may be reviewed and it can be determined which customer is purchasing them.


=> To access this task...

Select By Product/Item/Cust from the Sales Analysis main menu.


Sales Analysis by Product/Item/Customer


About the Fields

The fields displayed on the screen are those pertaining to the level of detail set for analysis in the Parameter Maintenance task. Screens may display one, two, or all of the fields below.


Click the record navigating buttons...

  • Click the record navigating buttons; to view the first record, Previous Record button to view the previous record, Next Record button to view the next record, and Last Record button to view the last record.

In the Year field...

  • Enter the year for the analysis. Skipping this field will cause a default year to appear.


In the Product Type field...

  • Enter a valid product type.

  • Click Query button to select from product types with sales analysis.

  • Click Click to select from a list of product types.

In the Inventory Item ID field...

  • Enter a valid item number.

  • Click Query button to select from items with sales analysis.

  • Click Click to select from a list of item numbers.

In the Customer ID field...

  • Enter a valid customer number.

  • Click Click to select from a list of customer numbers.

The inquiry for the product/item/customer is displayed.

  • Click Clear Form button to clear the selections and begin again.

  • Click Save button to save the selections for future inquiries.



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