Sales Analysis -  Report by Customer



Use this task to create a report showing sales history of units, sales, and costs by customer. Depending on how the Sales Analysis by Customer parameter is set; this report can also display a sales analysis of products and items.


=> To access this task...

Select By Customer from the Reports menu.


Sales Analysis by Customer


About the Fields


In the Current Period field...

  • Enter the base period to include on the report.

In the Current Year field...

  • Enter the year of the period.

In the Sales Analysis Level field...

The responses available for this field are dependent upon the parameter settings.

  • Select Item (I) from the dropdown to create a report at the customer, product, and item level.

  • Select Customer (C) from the dropdown to create a report at the customer level.

  • Select Product Type (P) from the dropdown to create a report at the customer and product level.

In the Sales Analysis Sequence field...

  • Select Ascending (A) from the dropdown to create the analysis in ascending order.

  • Select Descending (D) from the dropdown to create the analysis in descending order.

  • Select Unsorted (U) from the dropdown to create an unsorted analysis.

In the Beginning/Ending Customer ID field...

  • Enter the number of the first/last customer to appear on the report.

  • Click Click to select from a list of customer numbers.

In the Beginning/Ending Product Type field...

  • Enter the type of the first/last product to appear on the report.

  • Click Click to select from a list of product types.

In the Beginning/Ending Item ID field...

  • Enter the number of the first/last item to appear on the report.

  • Click Click to select from a list of item numbers.

12 Period Report checkbox...

  • Mark the box to create the prior twelve periods on the report.

  • Unmark the box to create the report without prior analysis.

In the Sales or Units field...

This field is accessible if the checkbox for the 12 Period Report field is checked.

  • Select Sales (S) from the dropdown to show totals by sales.

  • Select Units (U) from the dropdown to show totals by units.

MTD, YTD or Prior checkboxes...

This field is accessible if the checkbox for the 12 Period Report field is unchecked.

  • Check the MTD box to show month-to-date totals on the report first.

  • Check the YTD box to show year-to-date totals first.

  • Check the Prior box to show prior totals first.

  • Enter any combination of the above.

This field determines which reporting period appears first, second, and third on the report.


Page Break? checkbox...

  • Mark the box to insert a page break between segments.

  • Unmark the box to print without page breaks.

Include 0 Sales Lines? checkbox...

  • Mark the box to include items without sales activity on the report.

  • Unmark the box to omit items without sales activity on the report.

Export format checkbox...

  • Mark the box to create a report without blank data fields and subtotals for manipulation in Excel.

  • Unmark the box to create a report of the raw data with subtotals.

When done making selections...

  • Click Run Process button to create the report.

  • Click Run Process button to save the selections to run future reports.

  • Click Clear Form button to clear the selections and begin again.

Sample Report by Customer


See Output Options.


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