Sales Analysis - Graphic Sales Report By Salesperson



The Graphic Sales Report By Salesperson task is a graphical representation of sales by specified date range for each salesperson.


=> To access this task...

Select Graphic Sales Report by Salesperson from the main menu.


Graphic Sales Report by Salesperson


About the Fields


In the Starting Date field...

  • Enter the beginning date range to chart.

In the Ending Date field...

  • Enter the ending date range to chart.

When done making selections...

  • Select the type of chart to display by clicking the icon to the right of the Ending Date field

  1. Pie

  2. Line

  3. Bar

  4. Dial

  5. Gauge

  6. Area

  • Adjust the slider bar below the Starting Date to zoom the size of graphic display in/out.


  • Right clicking on the graphical chart present additional charting and output options.



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