Sales Order Processing - Sales Tax Report



Use this task to print a report of taxable sales by month for each tax code used in the Order/Invoice Processing module. The tax percentage, taxable sales, tax amount, and gross sales amount are shown.


=> To access this task...

Select Sales Tax Report from the Period End Processing menu.


Sales Tax Report window

Sales Tax Report


About the Fields


In the Beginning Date field...

  • Enter the first date to appear on the report.

  • Click Calendar button to select a date by using the calendar tool.

In the Ending Date field...

  • Enter the last date to appear on the report.

  • Click Calendar button to select a date by using the calendar tool.

When finished making entries to the fields...

  • Click Save button to save the date selections to rerun the report at a later time.

  • Click Clear Form button to clear the entries and start again.

  • Click Run Process button to create the Sales Tax Report.

Sales Tax Report output

Sample Sales Tax Report


See Output Options.

Understanding the Sales Tax Report

The Sales Tax Report identifies some of the information necessary for completing the quarterly sales tax reports required by most states. When using a sales tax service, it is possible the Taxable and Tax amounts in the report do not match the amounts reported by the sales tax service. This can happen with Tax Codes that use a sales tax service if on-demand invoices are printed, or cash sales are made with the Tax Code while the sales tax service is not available. These transactions can be identified in the OPT_INVHDR table. They will have NO_SLS_TAX_CALC=1 and PRINT_STATUS=Y.

The meaning of each column is described below:

Tax CD

The code under which a sales tax is accumulated.


The description of the tax code.


The percentage of tax charged under this tax code.


Identifies the month and year for which taxes were accumulated.


The amount of sales subject to sales tax for this tax code. Some items on an invoice may not be subject to sales tax, such as service charges, labor, refurbished items, and food products. If an invoice uses a tax code defined as a buildup of other tax codes, the taxable amount for that invoice is included in the totals for all the tax codes that are part of the definition. For this reason, it is not meaningful to have a total taxable amount for the entire report, nor does the total of the Taxable column represent the total sales for a particular period.


The sales tax calculated for this tax code, using the rate in the tax code file at the time of the Sales Register update. The totals for this column are the total amount of sales tax billed to customers in the period shown


The dollar amount of the invoices updated with a specific tax code, including all charges for products, labor, freight, etc., regardless of their taxability. The Gross dollar amount does not include sales tax.

Non Taxable

The gross dollar amount minus the Taxable amount.



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