Inventory Control - Inventory Item Requirements Report



Use this task to produce a list of all items purchased from a specific vendor (primary items only) or from all vendors. It includes information necessary for making purchasing decisions. When all vendors are selected, the report is in vendor number sequence.


=> To access this task...

Select Inventory Item Requirements Report from the Reports menu.


Inventory Item Requirements Report menu

Inventory Requirements Report


About the Fields


From the Buyer/Vendor Sequence dropdown...

  • Select Buyer (B) to create a report in buyer sequence.

  • Select Vendor (V) to create a report in vendor sequence.

In the Beginning/Ending Buyer Code field...

  • Enter the code of the first/last buyer to include on the report.

  • Press [Tab] to select the first/last buyer code record.

  • Click Click to select from a list of buyer codes.

In the Beginning/Ending Vendor ID field...

  • Enter the number of the first/last vendor to include on the report.

  • Press [Tab] to select the first/last vendor number record.

  • Click Click to select from a list of vendor numbers.

In the Beginning/Ending Warehouse field...

  • Enter the code of the first/last warehouse to include on the report.

  • Press [Tab] to select the first/last warehouse number record.

  • Click Click to select from a list of warehouse numbers.

In the Beginning/Ending Product Type field...

  • Enter the type of the first/last product to include on the report.

  • Press [Tab] to select the first/last product type record.

  • Click Click to select from a list of product types.

In the Beginning/Ending Item ID field...

  • Enter the number of the first/last item to include on the report.

  • Press [Tab] to select the first/last item number record.

  • Click Click to select from a list of item numbers.

In the Item Type field...

  • Enter the item type to include on the report.

  • Press [Tab] to select all item types.

  • Click Click to select from a list of item types.

Exclude Inactive Vendors? checkbox...

  • Mark the box (default) to exclude inactive vendors.

  • Unmark the box to include all vendors.

Exclude Inactive Items? checkbox...

  • Mark the box (default) to exclude inactive items.

  • Unmark the box to include all items.

When finished making selections...

  • Click Run Process button to create the Inventory Requirements Report.

Inventory Requirements Report output

Sample Inventory Item Requirements Report


See Output Options.


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