General Ledger - Copy Chart of Accounts



This option copies chart of accounts from one company to another company in the specified beginning and ending GL Account.


=> To access this task...

Select Copy Chart of Accounts from the Utilities menu.


Copy Chart of Accounts


About the Fields


In the From Company ID field...

Indicate the Company ID of data to copy.

  • Enter a valid two-character Company ID code.

  • Click Click to select from a list of all valid codes.

In the To Company ID field...

Indicate the destination Company ID for the copied company's account information.

  • Enter a valid two-character Company ID code.

  • Click Click to select from a list of all valid codes.

In the Beginning/Ending GL Account field...

  • Enter a valid six character GL Account number to begin/end the report.

  • Click Click to select from a list of all valid numbers.

In the Wildcard Mask field...

Certain tasks allow for the input of an account wildcard to enable you to select accounts that have common numbering as part of their identification. The wildcard can use the ‘?’ and ‘-’ characters; the '?' represents a single character, and the dash '-' is a literal.


For example, assume an account mask set to 000-000, as is the case with standard demo data. If you want to select all accounts that end with '1', use the wildcard mask ???-??1. The question marks stand in place of the account digits; the dash is located as expected in the mask.


Overwrite? checkbox...

  • Mark the box to overwrite the Chart of Account details.

  • Unmark the box to not overwrite the Chart of Account details.

Skip Inactive Accounts? checkbox...

  • Mark the box (default) to skip copying inactive accounts to the destination company.

  • Unmark the box to include copying inactive accounts to the destination company.

When done making selections...

  • Click Run Process button to accept the selections and copy the chart of Account details.

  • Click Clear form button to clear the form and begin again.


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