Accounts Receivable - Customer Detail Listing



The Customer Detail Listing task creates a detail listing of customer information for all customers. This task is used primarily to verify the information entered in the Customer Master File during the installation process.


=> To access this task...

Select Customer Detail Listing from the Reports menu.


Customer Detail Listing


About the Fields


In the Beginning/Ending Customer ID field...

  • Enter the beginning/ending customer number.

  • Press [Enter] or [Tab] to select the first/last customer number on record.

  • Click Click to select from a list of all valid customer numbers.

Include Comments checkbox...

  • Mark the box to include comments on the listing.

  • Unmark the box to print the listing without comments.

Exclude Inactive Customers? checkbox...

  • Mark the box (default) to exclude inactive customers.

  • Unmark the box to include all customer.

When done making selections...

  • Click Run Process button when all information is correct and proceed with printing.

  • Click to clear the form and begin again.

Clicking , the module issues this confirmation:


  • Click [Yes] to clear the selections made in the Customer Detail Listing form.

  • Click [No] to return to the Customer Detail Listing form.

Sample Customer Detail Listing


See Output Options.


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