AddonSoftware Administration - Dataport Utility



This task is used to port AddonSoftware versions 6 and 7 data files to the current version's file structures. Review the DataPort Utility Notes for additional details.


=> To access this task...

Select Dataport Utility rom the DataPort folder under the Utilities menu.


Dataport Utility


About the Fields


From the Version dropdown...

  • Select the version of the source AddonSoftware data files.

In the Source Directory field...

  • Enter the complete path to the data directory for the source AddonSoftware data files.

  • Click Click to navigate to existing file locations.

In the Target Directory field...

  • Enter the complete path to the directory where the converted data files are to be placed.

  • Click Click to navigate to existing file locations.

In the detail grid...

  • Click the [Scan] button to view a list of all AddonSoftware data files in the source directory. Mark the checkbox next to the files that are to be ported to the current version's file structure.

When done making selections...

  • Click Run Process button to start the porting process.

  • Click  Clear Form button to clear the form and begin again.


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