AddonSoftware Administration - Clear Firm from System



This task deletes data from selected files for a selected firm. It should NOT be used when users are on the system. Users can be temporary locked out of the system by creating a text file name "app_maint_msg.txt" and putting it in the Barista directory. The first line of text is displayed in the system lockout message dialog title bar and all other text is displayed in the message body. For example, the app_maint_msg.txt could consist of the following two lines.

  • System Temporarily Not Available

  • The system is currently undergoing some maintenance and is not available.


=> To access this task...

Select Clear Firm from System from the File Utilities folder under the Utilities menu.


Clear Firm from System


About the Fields


In the App Company ID field...

  • Leave blank to be able to delete firm data for all applications in the Barista installation.

  • Enter App Company ID to delete firm data from only that application.

  • Click Click to select an App Company ID from a list of existing records.

In the App Product ID field...

Disabled unless an App Company ID is entered.

  • Leave blank to be able to delete firm data for all products for the selected application (App Company ID).

  • Enter App Product ID to delete firm data from only that product.

  • Click Click to select an App Product ID from a list of existing records.

In the Company ID field...

A required field and must be an existing Firm.

  • Enter the Company ID to delete data from for the selected files.

  • Click Click to select a Company ID from a list of existing records.

Update records to delete? checkbox...

  • Mark the box and the number of records that will be deleted for the selected firm is displayed in the grid.

  • Unmarking the box causes the grid to refresh quicker and the number of records that will be deleted is not shown.

In the grid...

  • Select the checkbox for each  file to delete data from for the selected firm.

When done making selections...

  • Click Run Processd button to begin the deleting process.

  • Click Clear Form button to clear the form and begin again.

Ready to clear selected files?


  • Select [Yes] to complete the file deletion.

  • Select [No] to return to the Clear Firm from System form.


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